
If you're interested in the Presbyterian Church (USA), well, that's the main topic of this blog. I report in here to give you my impressions, share the highlights or lowlights of my day, and lament or celebrate as appropriate. I hope you'll enjoy it, and chime in!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Amendment B Minority Report

The Minority report on Item 06-09, which is about amending G-6.0106B, is basically this: to not change the current wording of the Book of Order, and also sending out a pastoral letter to the Church to share what this Assembly experienced and asking for further dialogue and support among the "LGBT" (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered) community. The usual action occurred of amending the minority report by a word or two before voting on it, or in one case a paragraph or two. After MUCH discussion and a prayer, the Assembly voted down the minority report; debate continued on the majority report.

A motion to call the question fell short of the 2/3 majority required, and so the debate went on at length. Tens of people were standing at the microphones. After a certain amount of time, it became clear that most of the speakers were hauling out all the same old arguments that have been well, well rehearsed for a long time; we've all heard them, and after a few days at GA we can even begin to predict speakers on all sides of the question.

We started this about 3:00pm, and about 4:45 the motion to call the question FINALLY passed. There were still people standing at the mikes.

The advisory delegates voted predictably --- most of the advisory delegates strongly in favor, and the ecumenicals 100% against.

The commissioners voted 373-323 in favor, 53% to 46%, to change the language of G-6.0106b. Wow. The floor moved into a time of silent prayer afterwards; thankfully, there was no applause or booing.

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