One of the most compelling things I think he's done, however, is to choose a Vice-Moderator who is at the other end of the theological spectrum from him, and who in fact undertook a controversial pastoral act just a couple of months ago.
Neal was perceived to have been a more evangelical conservative candidate for Moderator. He asked The Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe from National Capital Presbytery, a personal friend from the more progressive corner of the denomination, to be his running mate. Neal wanted to communicate that Presbyterians of all stripes can indeed agree to disagree in certain areas of belief and still serve side by side.
In late April, Rev. McCabe chose to conduct a marriage for two women in a state where same-sex marriage is legal. The women were not members of the PC(USA), but their own pastor had refused to conduct the service. She shared her decision with her running mate shortly before an article ran in the Presbyterian Layman. After discernment and prayer, Neal chose to retain Tara as his running mate because of his respect for her, and also because of his commitment to the idea that we are stronger together than we are separately. He admitted on his website that he could possibly lose the election because of his choice, but he stood ready to do so.
In the general balloting, and in most of the advisory categories, he was the front runner from the first vote. But a simple majority is required, even in a field of four candidates, and so the balloting continued.
With Neal Presa taking this stance, he clearly lost the support of many evangelical conservatives who moved their votes to Robert Austell from Charlotte, NC. His support stayed fairly steady throughout the balloting. Sue Krummel, EP from Great Rivers Presbytery (Peoria, IL) and a good friend of mine, was in my estimation even-handed, energetic, and beautifully prepared for the rigors of the race. She came in second, but Neal still had twice the votes she garnered - which surprised me. The fourth candidate, Randy Branson, will be remembered as being a proponent of golf and not much else, which is too bad. Neal had the clear support of the commissioners from the start, and he will be a wonderful moderator.
The highlight of the evening for many was when he was accompanied back to the platform by his family and other supporters. His two young sons helped to commission him, one by reading scripture and one with a prayer that just about brought the house down.
Our own Conrad Rocha was the one who communicated the vote to Stated Clerk Gradye Parsons and Moderator Cindy Bolbach. It was fun to have a New Mexican so prominently involved in the evening!
This morning, commissioners are fanned out all across Pittsburgh to worship in local churches.. Plenary reconvenes at 2pm EDT to (re)elect the Stated Clerk along with a few other items of business. And then this evening, committees gather for the first time to begin their business. Please keep us all in your prayers.
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