My lunchtime treat today was to attend the luncheon of the Presbyterian Writers Guild; if you couldn't tell by my blogging, I am wondering about whether I can do something with my writing one of these days.
The honoree of the lunch was the Rev. Eugene Peterson, who many of us know best as author of the scripture paraphrase "The Message." He received the David Steele Distinguished Writer Award. His remarks, which I suspect came from his forthcoming personal memoir, reflected on what it means to be a writer.
At first he compared a nascent idea to being pregnant - because you don't know it for awhile! Then he went on to say that early in ministry, he began to see John of Patmos - author of the book of Revelation - as "the patron saint of pastors." He compared the chaotic daily life that John witnessed in Rome to the daily life that any pastor witnesses in his or her parish - and pastors, you know that's true!! Then he went on to remind us that the Spirit said to John of Patmos, "Write what you see in a book," not what you think or know. He then described what he calls "heueristic" writing as being writing which has a conversation with scripture, not trying to explain or direct. Peterson said that once he understood that style of writing, he began writing what he didn't know - "edging into the mystery." I think this is what I will aspire to in writing...
Had an interesting item this afternoon - overwhelmingly, almost unanimously, the Assembly just passed an item from the Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee to enter into conversation with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, where so many of our members have gone due to their displeasure with the PCUSA - so that we can explore the "complex relationship" between our two denominations. I think this is refreshing and a very good move on the part of our church. This one I will watch with interest.
Then we moved on to the question of whether to approve the study paper "Christians and Jews - The People of God Together." This is not the paper which caused so much discussion with our friend Sam Sokolove and the Jewish Federation of New Mexico, but is indeed one of the three pieces of the puzzle before us which deals with our relationship with those of the Jewish faith.
The committee moved to refer the paper back for more work and further study.
Cynthia Campbell, President of McCormick Seminary, was the first to speak and spoke against referral and instead to approve the paper. She said it is an important and it is time for the church to receive and study it. Several speakers rose to speak for and against the report. Ultimately, the commissioners voted 529-135 in favor of referring the report back.
Next the committee moved to approve as amended the report "Toward an Understanding of Christian-Muslim Relations." It was no surprise that some amendments were offered. The assembly approved the report 548-129, a vote of about 80% in favor.
I'm glad to report that Frank Yates, pastor of St. Andrews in Albuquerque, is working on arranging an October event that will engage Presbyterians with local members of the Jewish and Muslim communities in dialogue. Watch for more details to come!
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