
If you're interested in the Presbyterian Church (USA), well, that's the main topic of this blog. I report in here to give you my impressions, share the highlights or lowlights of my day, and lament or celebrate as appropriate. I hope you'll enjoy it, and chime in!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hi friends --

Well, it's time to get ready for General Assembly.  And if you have been following my blogs related to GA and would like to continue to do so, I've got a new address for you.

Two years ago, I was Regional Presbyter for two presbyteries.  Now I'm Missional Presbytery for only one, the Presbytery of Santa Fe.  And I'm changing the blog accordingly.

My new site is this:  missionalponderings.blogspot.com.   Please come on over and join the conversation as we go through the next month or so together.